


FORT DEFIANCE365 Van Brunt StreetBrooklyn, NY 11231(347) 453-6672I promised Operagirl a birthday dinner and had grown bored of our repetitive hang-outings. No more could I bear meeting her for drinks near Lincoln Center, a neighborhood whose nightlife is akin to the the love-child of a retirement home and a brothel. No! I cried into the foggy gloom of night. No more could I...

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THIS LITTLE PIGGY HAD ROAST BEEF149 First AvenueNew York, NY 10003(212) 253-1500There can hardly be a restaurant in, forget New York City, ANY city, with a menu smaller than This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef's. There are four (4) sandwiches. That's it. I tried three of them.This Little Piggy also couldn't be smaller without being a food truck. There's about two yards of...

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