


LAVAGNA 545 East 5th Street New York, NY 10009 (212) 979-1005 "You have to try this place in the East Village," Speeds told me. "It's so good!" Her boyfriend, Saint Love, nodded his head in agreement. "But," she added, "you can't trash it on that blog of yours." Trash it? Me? Heavens no. I agreed to give the place a shot. The place...

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SALT58 MacDougal StreetNew York, NY 10012(212) 674-4968This Mother's Day, Bro and Dudeman and I took shrink to Salt, the American restaurant with a Mediterranean twist in SoHo. "I love this neighborhood" Dudeman said, lamenting somewhat the decision that he and Shrink made forty years ago to root themselves in Gramercy. "I wish we lived here. We should have moved here." Of course, that...

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THE MANHATTAN COCKTAIL CLASSICPART ONE: ANTICIPATION, 5/15/10:Like a barrage of gin-fueled fireworks, cocktails have exploded across the dining landscape. Sometimes I wonder if a restaurant can survive in this day and age if it doesn't have a real cocktail list. And by real, you know what I mean. Don't get me wrong, mudslides and appletinis have their place. It's just that that place...

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ETHOS905 First AvenueNew York, NY 10022(212) 888-4060‎Bro and I have made eating out together almost a weekly event. It's hell on the wallet and on my gut, but I'm kind of addicted. This past week we went to Ethos in Midtown East near the United Nations, a Greek restaurant that caters to the local moneyed class. Many have become regulars there, chatting with...

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CERCLE ROUGE241 West BroadwayNew York, NY 10013(212) 226-6252As someone who routinely lists French food as my most favorite of foods, I always get this tinge of excitement when I get to bury my face in coq au vin, soak my bread in the garlicky escargot butter, and gorge myself to the point of early onset diabetes with creme brulee. Therefore, when I met...

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